The right to exclusive use of that trademark is lost from the day the revocation or cancellation is published. 自撤销或者注销公告之日起,其商标专用权丧失。
The obligee's cancellation right shall be exercised within one year, commencing on the date when it became, or should have become, aware of the cause for cancellation. 撤销权自债权人知道或者应当知道撤销事由之日起一年内行使。
On Present Abnormal Situation of Laborers 'Unconditioned Warning Right Of Cancellation& Rethinking on Article 31, Labor Law of China 劳动者无条件预告解除权之畸形现状&对我国《劳动法》第31条规定之反思
But the former emphasizes the right of cancellation, and the latter pays more attention on the right of defense of the non-defaulting party. 对非违约方的救济途径基本相同,但前者更强调合同的解除权,而后者更注重非违约方基于违约方期前毁约而产生的抗辩权。
Then the thesis shifts to the Right of Cancellation of contract of carriage of goods by sea by the Contracting Shipper before and after the carrying ship sails from the port of loading and to the System of Random Cancellation in the Continental System of Law. 再次,探讨了缔约托运人在船舶开航前与开航后的合同解除权,介绍了大陆法系的任意解除制度。
The contract law of our country regards the creditor's right of cancellation as one of the means that the contract saves from damage. 我国合同法把债权人的撤销权作为合同保全的手段之一,学者们对撤销之诉的原告、被告、客体、范围、消灭等问题存在争议。
The article "Notice in writing ahead of 30 days" is nothing but a procedure labours have to carry out and not a term the one-sided unconditioned warning right of cancellation must meet. “提前30日书面通知”仅是劳动者主观履行的程序,而非其单方预告解除权客观所需满足的条件。
It has caused a paradox of law theory and problems of substantive law because of its disproportional authorization, application of one-sided right of cancellation to all labor contracts and onefold rigid stipulation mode of warning days in Article 31 of Labor Law. 《劳动法》第31条由于授权不均及将无条件的单方解除权泛化于一切类型的劳动合同,以及单一僵化的预告期规定模式造成了法理悖论及诸多实体法难题。
By specific examples, further explain the left and right compensations of cutter radius, three steps of the establishment, implementation and cancellation of cutter compensation, as well as the positive and negative compensations of the cutter length compensation. 通过具体实例进一步说明刀具半径的左补偿和右补偿,刀补的建立、刀补的进行和刀补的撤消三个步骤以及刀具长度补偿的正补偿和负补偿。
The key of correct and rational applicability of contract legal right of cancellation is to accurate grasp the fact of fundamental extent of breach of contract. 合同法定解除权之正确、合理适用,关键在于准确把握根本违约的程度。
Firstly, by analyzing the legal basis of the obligee's cancellation right, we can know that the system of debtor's liability assets and external effectiveness are the foundation of the obligee's cancellation right. 首先,分析债权人撤销权的法理基础,其中责任财产制度与债权的对外效力是债权人撤销权赖以存在的根基。
The Article 31 in Labor Law of China stipulates one-sided unconditioned warning right of cancellation, which implies a severe paradox of law theory. 我国《劳动法》第31条赋予单方授予劳动者以无条件的预告解除权,其中暗含了严重的法理悖论。
The employee of the insurer can be the exercising subject of the right of cancellation only when the insurer expressly grant him with the right to cancel the insurance contract, which is known by the third party through certain form. 保险人的雇员只有在保险人明确授予其解除保险合同的权利,并通过一定形式使第三人知晓其有解除权时才得成为解除权的行使主体。
The general agent of the insurer shall be the exercising subject of the right of cancellation, while the soliciting agent has no right to cancel the contract. 保险人的总代理人得为解除权的行使主体,而招揽代理人不具有解除合同的权利。
Secondly, the author points deficiencies of our current system of legal right of cancellation. 其次,指出我国现行法定撤销权制度的不足和缺陷。
It Include three types, i.e. Agreement to lift, and they agreed right of cancellation, the statutory right of cancellation. 包括协议解除、约定解除权、法定解除权三种类型。
Expectations of our own research contracts can improve the system of statutory right of cancellation benefit. 期待自己的研究能够对我国合同法定解除权制度的完善有所裨益。
The effectiveness of the exercise of the right of cancellation, the retroactivity issue that termination of the contract system as a core issue in the academic community and the judicial practice of constant controversy. 解除权行使的效力,即合同解除的溯及力问题,作为合同解除制度的核心问题,在学术理论界和司法实务界争议不断。
In this paper, case study and analysis of foreign legislation on the basis of the statutory right of cancellation of the contract trends are discussed. 本文在研究和分析国外立法例的基础上,对合同法定解除权发展的趋势进行论述。
Korea the exercise of the right of cancellation of contract by way of notice, irrevocably, characterized by inseparability. 韩国行使合同解除权以通知的方式进行,并不可撤回,具有不可分性的特征。
Firstly, the author defines the meaning of the legal right of cancellation. 首先,确定了法定撤销权的含义。
Korea rescission does not include the statutory right of cancellation due to objective reasons, and handed over to the risk burden. 韩国的契约解除不包括因客观原因产生的法定解除权,而将其交予风险负担来解决。